Wednesday, December 24, 2014


            Try to put yourself into the place of the people of Bethlehem the morning after Jesus was born.  Be one of the people who listened to a dirty, smelly shepherd.  What did they say to you?  An angel appeared to them and gave them a message about a birth in Bethlehem.  That child is the promised Messiah.  He’s the Lord!  He’s right here in our town and the shepherds said they saw him!  How would you respond?  “…and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them” (Luke 2:18).  It was an amazing message!  Some people stood dumbstruck.  It was too much for them!  To think that the Christ had come during their lives!  God had kept his promise!  He had acted!  Their Deliverer was in their very midst!  Hearts were filled with wonder at the goodness and faithfulness of God.  The astonishing news they heard caused them to be filled with wonder and amazement at what God had done.  In short, the amazing news caused them to worship and praise the glory of their God who had done this thing.

            When one stands amazed in the presence of the work of God he begins to experience a kind of holy awe and wonder.  The reason for this is that the character of God is being revealed.  The glory of God is being made manifest.  We are astounded to see God’s faithfulness, his power, his wisdom, his love, his grace and mercy, and on and on.  These are the kinds of things we see when we stop long enough to take a good look at Christmas. 

            Then our awe and amazement starts to move toward a personal response.  God did this for sinners!  He gave his beloved Son to his enemies who rebelled against him and hated him.  The son was willing to take on human flesh for people who would reject him and deny him.  The Father and the Son looked upon their creation with love and mercy and they demonstrated grace beyond measure!  It hits us right in the heart!  God did this for my sake!  He had me in mind when he sent his Son.  Jesus had me in mind when he set aside the glory of heaven.  We look into the manger with the shepherds and are filled with amazement that we should receive such grace from a loving God!  Such thoughts lead to holy worship. 

            Have you ever stood looking on God’s creation and had your breath taken away by its beauty?  Have you stood at the base of the giant sequoias and twisted your neck in wonder?  Have you stood at the entrance to Yosemite Valley trying to find the words to describe El Capitan and Half Dome in the distance?  Have you stood at the rim of the Grand Canyon, amazed at its magnificence and the power of the God who made it?  That is when we begin to edge over into worship!  That is when we see the character of God and our hearts rise in praise!  And that is how we can keep Christmas well.  We can look again at the familiar story of the shepherds and the angels and the holy family and stand by in dumb amazement, praising and worshiping God.


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