Monday, December 22, 2014


            So how was God’s grace demonstrated to man in the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem?  The announcement of the birth of Jesus was made to shepherds who were in the fields outside Bethlehem watching over their sheep.  Shepherds were on the very lowest rung of the ladder of Jewish society.  They were as despised as gypsies are in many parts of the world because they were always on the move, always passing through, and often suspected of stealing everything that went missing in towns and villages they visited.  They were uneducated and uncultured people.  They were considered such liars that they were prohibited from being witnesses in any legal case.  Yet it was to some of these very men that the herald angel came to announce the birth of the Son of God.  If the shepherds received justice, many of them might have ended up in Bethlehem’s jail that night rather than in the stable praising God!  When we stop to consider this truth we realize that God was demonstrating grace by revealing this great event first to the poorest of the poor.  It was this gracious act of God that forever ennobled the poor, working classes of mankind!

            The announcement itself was a demonstration of God’s grace in many ways.  It was gracious of God to send an angel to these shepherds and to allow them to see his glory.  What a great honor to be chosen to see an angel and to observe the glory of God, the same glory that had once lighted the face of Moses and the glory that had departed from the temple so many years before!  Had any other man alive ever seen the glory of God?  Yet in his grace God tore through the darkness of that night and poured out his glory upon these shepherds!  What a magnificent picture of what had transpired that night in the stable behind the inn in town!  The holy God had transcended space and time to be born on earth!  The angel comforted the terrorized shepherds!  What grace that they were not incinerated on the spot but rather comforted!  Surely it is a sad state of affairs when men who are created in the image of God would be terrified of another one of God’s creatures!  So far had man fallen!  Yet God was gracious!  The angel said, “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people” (Luke 2:10).  Surely the shepherds expected fire and destruction from the hand of God!  Surely they expected to be incinerated at any second.  Yet God was gracious!  The angel brought news of joy, not condemnation!  The good news was brought to the shepherds but it was meant for “all the people.”  What if the announcement had come to the rulers in Jerusalem?  Would the shepherds have thought that such good news was also meant for them?  And who had been born in the city of David?  A Savior!  Not an executioner.  Not a judge.  A Savior!  What grace!  And then the shepherds heard the angel say that a Savior had been born “to you!”  He had been born to them, not to everyone except them!  Listen to the words the angel said to the shepherds!  “…You will find a baby…” (Luke 2:12).  They were not sent on a hopeful quest but they were given a revelation!  They would find the baby themselves!  Were they not astonished at the appearance of the host of angels proclaiming, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!” (Luke 2:14).  Could it be?  Had God’s favor come to rest upon them?  Were they to be the recipients of peace with God?  How could this be?  Grace!  Grace alone!


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